Full Information - Flagship Filmmakers Masterclass and Coaching Program

Phone 1800131166

From Screenplay to Finished Film + You Make a Film

  1. Make your Micro Budget Movie This Year and Get it Seen.

  2. Screenwriting – How to Write a Screenplay.

  3. Casting – How to Cast a Movie

  4. Technical Training  Camera Lights and Sound Training.

  5. Preproduction and Producing
  6. Shooting a 10 minute Movie ( Actual Real Shoot)

  7. Postproduction Editing the film  Colour Grading.

  8. Sound Design Mix  & Music – Finished Film.

  9. Business of Filmmaking.  Finding your Film Distributor and Getting your film seen by the world.

  10. One on One Coaching x 3 Sessions  with our Indie Filmmaker Instructors.

  11. Plus Make a Film while you do the Flagship Program

Check out 2 Minute Video re Flagship

The Flagship Filmmakers Masterclass Course has 6 Modules


You learn Screenwriting Step by Step

Take Action List at the end of each Tutorial

Save $200 on Screenwriting Software. Get it Free

Main Achievement: You will have a completed a 10 Minute Short Screenplay or a 90 Minute Screenplay 

Module 2 - Film Directing
and The Film Directors Vision


Learn To Cast, Rehearse and Direct Actors

How to Shot List and Create a Vision for your Film

Learn Film Directing Step by Step

How to Direct Like a Pro

Module 3 - Cameras Lights & Sound

Learn how to use Cameras Light a Set
and get Amazing Location Sound

"Take Action List" at the end of each Tutorial

Learn which Film Equipment to Buy or Rent

Main Achievement: You will learn all about 
Professional Cameras
Lighting and Location Sound Equipment


Make and Greenlight your Film

LOCATIONS Finding and Scouting and Locking Down Locations

Hiring the Best Crew in your City

"Take Action List" at the end of each Tutorial


Module 5 -Post Production 
You will learn how to Edit, Colour and Finish your Film

20 Video Tutorials that teach you 
Step by Step to Edit your film 
using Adobe Premier Pro

Sample Scene supplied to practice with

Education Rate for Adobe Premiere Pro.

From Now on Edit your own Films

Film Distribution & Festivals & Maximising the Audience with Streamers and Distribution Deals

Learn How to Enter Film Festivals
and Get Selected

How to Find an Honest Film Distributor that pays you

Making Filmmaking your Business

How to Maximise your Audience

The Film Instructor Coaches Taught by Filmmakers for Future Filmmakers

Colm O'Murchu

Colm O’Murchu is a successful Indie Filmmaker and Director of three world-wide successfully released feature films and one documentary. He created and has run Australian Film Base since 1997 and helped filmmakers produce hundreds of short films. His mission is to help up and coming and emerging Filmmakers make their films successful and loves to help up and coming filmmakers make it in the film business.


3 x Coaching Session 45 Minutes with one of our Indie Filmmaking Coaches x 3

You will get your Film Made 
once you Enrol

Why this is an Opportunity.  We like to hear about your Film Projects.  

We are a production company and we’re always on the lookout for a great projects. 

If we see a good feature film project, we may get involved directly and help you get your film produced.  

Details at the One On One Coaching Session 

The door to this process is to enrol on this course and do the one on one coaching session.

What you get

  • The Full Flagship Micro- Budget Filmmaking   Lessons (177) 
  • These tutorials teach you micro-budget filmmaking and get your film made.
  • You get clear To do Actions after ever Tutorial so you make a Film. 
  • You learn the exact system we use to make micro-budget films and do it now.  You can see two trailers from our films below. We made these on micro-budgets. 
  • You Get Email support for one year 
  • Q&A once per month via Zoom (2 hours) Value $1000 One Year. 
  • Meet other Filmmakers online on the Q&A Session and Network
  • One on One Coaching Sessions with our Indie Filmmakers x 3 
  • You simultaneously Make a Film. 
  • From now on, Greenlight your own Film when you need to make one. 

Get the Resources that save you
thousands of dollars, making your Film

The Film School you can do at home, learn to be a FIlmmaker and Make a Film

Previous Movies and 5 Month School Films

Micro-budget Feature Film Trailer "Tabernacle 101" - 2 minutes - Colm O'Murchu - Film Instructor

Graduate Film - Anatomy of an Arrangement - 9 Minutes

"Deceit" - Graduate Film - 10 Minute Short Film

Feature Film Trailer " Dealing with Destiny "

Repressed - Flagship Short Film - 10 Minutes Student Film

The Micro Budget Filmmakers Program Investment

OPTION 1: Flagship Filmmakers Program + Coaching one on one

A$ 1495
  • We are closing the Flagship Filmmakers Course Soon.
  • We are closing the Flagship Filmmakers Course Soon.
  • You can check closing date below
  • Limited Places.

OPTION 2: 4 Payments with PayPal x4

A$ 374 x 4
  • $374 x4
  • First Payment of $374 on Enrolment
  • $374 x 3 More Payments
  • Go to checkout on next page after filling in enrolment form below

Limited Places Due to Coaching Quota - 2 Places Left Hurry


Enrol ASAP - Limited Places

Creating the Film Directors and Producers of Tomorrow

Why work with Australian Film Central 

  1. Because we make Films 
  2. Because we know every way to make a film on the smallest budget possible.
  3. Because we can help you get your finished film out there to the world and get you to the best distributor. 
  4. Because with us, you will know exactly how to make your film happen and get it made
  5. Because we will teach you filmmaking 
  6. Becausee we have been doing it for 25 years.