Please fill in the Brisbane 5 Month Film School Enrolment Form

Next Step: Phone 1800131166 or Make Bank Transfer
Or PayPal Payment Below

Payment Options x 3

OPTION 1 Credit or Debit Cards Phone 1800131166

Make Payment via the Phone                            

10am – 6pm Monday – Friday

You will need a valid Credit or Debit Card ,  to book over the phone. 

OPTION 2  Bank Transfer

Please make relevant deposit via Bank Transfer. You must also fill in Booking Form

Australian Film Base 
Commonwealth Bank
BSB 062238        
Account Number 1008 0039

  1. Please text 0488086104 when you have made the payment.
  2. Make sure that you keep receipt of payment.
  3. Please make sure you place your name next to payment when paying via the internet.

Option 3: Pay Now using your 
with Debit/Credit Card below or via PayPal
Click On Link below

Please see Email for amount of Deposit and Payment Plan

Deposit Today

$ 759
Deposit Today
  • Please see Email for exact amount of Deposit today and Payment Plan