Seminar Room - Meeting Room For Hire - Amazing Value in Central Sydney Location

Please watch Video Tour

  1. Exceptional Seminar/Meeting Room in Wattle Street Ultimo.  (5 Minutes walk to Darling Harbour)

  2. Very good availability

  3. Seats up to 25  People comfortably.

  4. Available weekdays and weekends.

  5. Bright and Atmospheric

  6. Breakout Areas for your Seminar.

  7. Whole Floor can be used.

  8. TV Monitor or Projector supplied.

  9. Coffee and Snacks Facilities available.

  10. Inspection Welcome.

  11. Very Cheap Room Hire Rates.

  12. You will have privacy for your event.


Please choose one of the

following 3 Options: 


Option 2 Phone 1800131166 for 
Pricing and Bookings and Questions


Option 3:  Email questions to


Our Location – 330 Wattle Street Ultimo Sydney 

( 10 Minutes walk from Central)

Close to Darling Harbour   Phone 1800131166